Section 4.2 Solving Proportions using Cross Products
A1.1.4 Solve simple equations in one variable using inverse relationships between operations such as addition and subtraction (taking the opposite), multiplication and division (multiplying by the reciprocal), raising to a power and taking a root;
A1.2.4 Solve problems involving equations with algebraic fractions including direct, inverse, and joint variation;
A1.3.11 Apply and use linear equations and/or inequalities as mathematical representations of proportional relationships to solve problem; including rate problems, work problems, and percent mixture problems;
A1.2.4 Solve problems involving equations with algebraic fractions including direct, inverse, and joint variation;
A1.3.11 Apply and use linear equations and/or inequalities as mathematical representations of proportional relationships to solve problem; including rate problems, work problems, and percent mixture problems;
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